Friday, March 5, 2010

a long day...

work....  home.. life..

draining.  I feel mentally, physically and emotionally drained. Since i have had this flippin bronchitis, i havent slept well.  a few days ago the cough let up but i still cant sleep.  maybe its the meds or maybe itsjust me.  but lately ive been so tired at work and just want to sleep. I should be alseep right now.

My head is filled with so many things.  I am so utterly xhausted with the amout of stuff i have do.. 

I need a vacay.... spring break is like 3 more weeks away.  I need a trip to atlanta.  I need to be around people who get me. sad to say the person Im with just doesnt get me. After tonite be better not mention anything about me going out when i go out of town.  He says that whenever we go out together he is always spending the nite making sure im ok....  I thought that what couples do!   but he i guess im wrong.  So i will remember that reason the next time I go out.  hmmm...